Other reports

  1. LAr noise in H1 experiment - Investigation of H1 Liquid Argon Calorimeter noise (summer student work in DESY, 1996)
  2. Contribution to IFJ Annual Report 98 (about ttH)
  3. TRT wheel - measurements of change of resonace frequencies of the TRT end-cap wheel prototype with tension (CERN, August 1999)
  4. TRT testbeam results - preliminary results of TRT testbeam for Argon mixture (CERN, September 1999)
  5. Contribution to IFJ Annual Report 99 (about TRT)
  6. Contribution to IFJ Annual Report 99 (about full physics simulation)
  7. MC production for AMS (June 2002)
  8. MC production in GAM for AMS-02 mass production (February 2004)
  9. Calibration of Dallas sensors (AMS, 04/2006).
  10. Contribution to GSI Annual Report 2017 (about IPM simulations)
  11. Proposal and conceptual design of a direct beam line from SIS18/FRS/ESR to the HESR - G2H (January 2019)
  12. Proposal of new GSI beam dump line (September 2019)
Other documents

  1. Few slides about background calculations in AMSFS(10 feb 2004)
  2. Quarks dans le proton - presentation pour conference NEPAL - lycee Vigan. Basee sur presentation de IN2P3
  3. Wire Scanner using Silicon Telescope (pdf)
  4. CryoBLM: dose per MIP calculations (pdf) EDMS-1340708
  5. Specification for Cryogenic BLMs to be installed during LS1 (pdf) EDMS-1340718
  6. LS1 CryoBLM installation notes (pdf) EDMS-1342256
  7. Installation of Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitors on MBs in IR5 and IR7 (pdf) EDMS-1324259, ECR LHC-LB-EC-0003
  8. Modification of the magnetic bumps for safe operation of the BIPM in SPS LSS5 (pdf) EDMS-1377890, ECR SPS-MD-EC-0001
  9. Feasibility study of BGI monitor in PS (pdf) EDMS-1396633
  10. Technical description of ECR ion source to be acquired for helium linac project (edms link)
Students' works

  1. Laetitia Valdes: Detection indirecte de matiere noire avec AMS (stage de maitrise, Univ. Montpellier II, )
  2. Valentina Zambrano: Ricerca di antideutoni nello spazio e discriminazione dal fondo di antiprotoni con l'esperimento AMS 2 (laurea specialistica, Univ. La Sapienza, Roma), - presentation
  3. Agnieszka Priebe: Presentation about Quench Level in MQ (CERN, presentation, 2008)
  4. Christoph Kurfuerst: Quench protection of the LHC quadrupole magnets (Diploma thesis, TU Wien, CERN-THESIS-2010-070, )
  5. Styliani Orfanelli: Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the damage potential of electron beam and tests of beam loss detector based on quartz Cherenkov radiator read out by a silicon photomultiplier on CLIC Test Facility 3(CTF3) (Diploma Thesis, National Technical Univeristy of Athens/CERN, 2012)
  6. Jan Egberts: IFMIF-LIPAc Beam Diagnostics: Profiling and Loss Monitoring Systems , Université Paris Sud, Ecole Doctorale 534 MIPEGE, 2012 (examinateur de these)
  7. Marcin Patecki: Analysis of LHC Beam Gas Ionization monitor data and simulation of the electron transport in the detector (MSc thesis, Politechnika Warszawska/CERN-THESIS-2013-155, 2013)
  8. Christoph Kurfuerst: Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitoring for the LHC (PhD thesis, TU Wien/CERN-THESIS-2013-232, 2013)
  9. Agnieszka Priebe: Quench tests of lhc magnets with beam: studies on beam loss development and determination of quench levels (PhD thesis, EPFL/CERN-THESIS-2014-013)
  10. Dominik Vilsmeier: Profile distortion by beam space charge in Ionization Profile Monitors CERN-THESIS-2015-035
  11. Andreas Alexopoulos: Cryogenic Semiconductor Detectors: Simulation of Signal Formation and Irradiation Beam Test CERN-THESIS-2015-244
  12. Juan Herranz Alvarez: Minimisation of the wire position uncertainties of the new CERN vacuum wire Scanner , CERN-THESIS-2016-046, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (external expert)
  13. Dominik Vilsmeier: IBIC2016 - poster for Ionization Profile Monitor Simulations Status and Future Plans paper.
  14. Dominik Vilsmeier, MSc thesis
  15. Dominik Vilsmeier et al., poster for Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft meeting, Würzburg, March 2018
  16. Amra Ibrahimovic, Stripping foils for Hadron Therapy Facility Master Thesis, Sarajevo University, 2020
  17. Kristaps Palskis, Physical and biological effectiveness studies on protons and heavy ions for use in FLASH radiotherapy Summer student report (2021), and his final presentation.
  18. Benjamin Dedic, Simulation of Low Energy Beam Transport, Master Thesis, Sarajevo University, 2021
  19. Kristaps Palskis, Physical and biological property comparisons of 4He and 3He ion beams for applicability in radiation therapy, poster at RAC 2022 Summer school
  20. Kristaps Palskis et al., Assessing Particle FLASH-RT Effectivness by Modelling Solvate Electron Production Dependency on Particle LET, poster at FRTP2022 (Barcelona)
  21. Araceli Navarro Fernandez, Understanding Secondary Emission Process and Beam Matter Interactions for Optimization of Diagnostic Wire Grid System in Particle Accelerators (PhD thesis, Universita Politecnica de Catalunya, president of the jury, March 2023)
  22. Alexandre Mariet, "Study of the effects of copper-coating and proton irradiation at 440 GeV on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube wires for particle beam instrumentation at CERN" (PhD thesis, Universite Franche-Comte and femto-st, Besancon, May 2023, rapporteur de these)
  23. Kristaps Palskis et al., FLASH-RT Dose Threshold Effect Estimation for Particle Beams by Modelling Solvate Electron Production Dependency on Particle LET 3D Distribution, poster at PTCOG2023
  24. Manon Boucard, Thermal simulations for carbon nanotube and carbon fibre as wire scanner targets, presentation at Workshop on Low Density Materials for Beam Instrumentation, CERN, June 2023
  25. Manon Boucard, Thin targets in extreme conditions: probing high-brightness hadron beams, GFA Accelerator Seminar, PSI, Aug 17th, 2023
  26. Manon Boucard, master thesis: Thin targets in extreme conditions: probing high-brightness hadron beams, and presentation EPFL, Sep 21, 2023
  27. Abdelrahman Abouelenain, project report: Beam wire scanner at CERN: Simulation of behavior of carbon nanotube wires with protons at high energies (Franche Comte Univ., 2023)
  28. Abdelrahman Abouelenain, master thesis: Numerical simulations of the thermal behavior of Beam Wire Scanners and energy deposition of high energy protons in carbon nanotube microbraids (Franche Comte Univ., 2024)
  29. Jerome Touguet: Investigation of thermionic emission in RRL (talk, PSI, November 2024)
  30. Jerome Touguet: Investigating Beam-Induced Electron Emission from Thin Wires in Proton Beams and under Bias Voltage (talk, PSI, December 16th, 2024)