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- 1
E. B. Holzer et al.,``Lessons learnt from beam commissioning and early beam operation of the Beam Loss Monitors (including outlook to 5 TeV),''
proceedings of Chamonix 2010 workshop.
- 2
M. Sapinski,``BLM signals at overinjection in IP8'', LHC Injection and Beam Dump WG, February 2nd, 2010.
- 3
A. Nordt et al., "Beam Losses and limiting locations," proceedings of Evian workshop, December 2010.
- 4
Ch. Zamantzas, ``BLMs: How can we see which BLM triggered the dump with what integration window?,'' EDMS-1070170.
- 5
A. Nordt, MPP presentation, August 13th, 2010.
- 6
E. Nebot, ``Update on UFOs (all stable beams with protons),'' MPP presentation, November 12th, 2010.
- 7
F. Zimmermann, M. Giovanozzi, A. Xagkoni, ``Interaction of macro-particles with LHC
proton beam,'' CERN-ATS-2010-040, proceedings of IPAC10.
- 8
F. Cerutti, ``Effect of the LHC beam interaction with possible obstacles,'' LMC, March 25th, 2009.
- 9
A. Verveij, private communication and presentation at BLM threshold WG, February 16th, 2011.
- 10
Computer code QP3 for the calculation of quench behaviour and protection of superconducting circuits, by A.P. Verweij.
- 11
A. Lechner, ``Fluka simulations of quench test with wire-scan,'' MPP presentation, January 21st, 2011,
report in preparation.
- 12
J.B. Jeanneret, D. Leroy, L. Oberli, T. Trenkler,
``Quench levels and transient beam losses in LHC magnets'',
LHC Project Report 044.
- 13
M. Sapinski, B. Dehning, A. Priebe,
"Simulation of Beam Loss in LHC MB Magnet and Quench threshold test", CERN-LHC-Project-Note-422.
- 14
Ch. Kurfuerst, "Quench Protection of the LHC Quadrupole Magnets", CERN-THESIS-2010-070.
- 15
A. Gomez Alonso, T. Boehlen, M. Sapinski, "Initial settings of Beam Loss Monitors thresholds on LHC Collimators", EDMS 995569.
- 16
A. Priebe, M. Sapinski, "BLM Thresholds on LHC Septum Magnet", EDMS 1055377.
- 17
B. Dehning, E. B. Holzer, J. Mariethoz, Ch. Roderick, P. Le Roux, M. Sapinski, Ch. Zamantzas, ``Management procedures of the BLM system settings (Including description of software configuration and database structure)'', LHC-OP-MPS-0012.
- 18
E. B. Holzer, ``BLM Thresholds'', External MPP review, September 6th, 2010.
- 19
E. B. Holzer, ``Warm Magnet thresholds and threshold definitions'', BLM Thresholds WG, November 26th, 2010.
- 20
M. Sapinski,``Preliminary analysis of quench test'', Machine Protection Panel, October 29th, 2010.
Mariusz Sapinski