The beam losses as observed by the Beam Loss Monitoring system, are generally understood, but a few specific cases need more study or a follow-up. A systematic study of the fill-to-fill variations of the total dose registered by the BLMs gives a hint about variation of small losses, which will probably not affect the operation of the machine, but which are not understood yet.
The UFO events, which are millisecond-scale losses provoked probably by small objects falling into the beam, are feared to affect the operation in 2011 and 2012. The analysis of sub-threshold UFOs reveal lack of dependence of UFO amplitude from beam intensity, what should allow to keep the dump rate due to UFOs under control.
The analysis of the UFO events and the results of quench tests with circulating beam lead to massive upgrade of BLM thresholds on cold magnets. A list of monitors where the observed signals were close to the beam-abort thresholds has been extracted from 2010 data.
The BLM system is well prepared to high intensities expected during 2011 run but a careful follow up on UFO events and signals close to the thresholds is necessary.