Beam Time 2019
The 2019 beam time was between mid-February and end of April. Then, in November-December, there was an Engineering Run.
February 17th, Sunday, quad scan, dispersion, HADES weak focus optics test
February 18th, Monday, Cave C
March 2nd, Saturday, HADES
March 3rd, Sunday, HADES BLM
March 11th, Monday, HTD
April 1st, TRM measurement
April 13th, Saturday, Qscan GTH1DG4G
Engineering Run:
- Approximate plan:
November 6th, Wednesday, list of technical issues
November 17th, Sunday, beam to HTM
November 21st, Thursday, beam to HTC/D (+ FRS, ESR)
November 30th, Saturday, quad scan in TH2DFA
December 1st, Sunday, Dominik's experiment on Hades
December 7th, Saturday, beam to HTP
December 17th, Tuesday, beam ESR->Cryring
December 18th and 19th, Wednesday, beam ESR->Cryring
Experimental requirements
(received mostly before the beam time)
(email from Aleksandra Kelic-Heil, Nov 8, 2018)
- 18O (probably April 2019, S454) - energy 500AMeV, but for the setting and calibration we will need most probably 300,400,600 and 700AMeV (simulations are on the way to get the exact energies for calibration). For this experiment we need as small as possible beam-spot size; the one you got after optimization (sigma_x = 1.7mm and sigma_y =2.4mm) would be fine. But, we need the beam focused on the target in HTC, which is situated 4m after the last quadrupole of the HTC beam line (the last elements in the beam line is quadrupole triplet situated in HTC, and our target is 4m after the last quadrupole of this triplet). It would be good to have divergence as small as possible, but we will in any case have a collimator after the last quadrupole and cut away the large angles. But for this to work, we would really need the focus on the target (i.e. 1.7mm and 2.4mm at the target position). In the setup and calibration phase, we will work with lower intensities (~1e+5 part/sec) and later during the measurements with higher (~1e+9 part/sec). From your experience, would this change in intensity influenced the beam properties (size, focus, divergence)?
- 12C (probably March 2019, S444) - here still discussions are under the way, as soon as we made decision I will inform you.
We discussed about already performed direct-beam experiments at HTC, and you found good settings with Xe. I suppose, those would be a good starting point for engineering run. We had in 2007 (it was S296 experiment, it was from 23.09.2007-12.10.2007) direct 12C@500AMeV beam in HTC. If there are still settings for this one, maybe they would be easier to be used as starting point for light direct beams next year? (I do not know if it matters for you with which beam you start for optimizing).