November 21st
- Morning: setting up slow extraction to HHD.
- Then o short stop for access to UNILAC and beam-based alingment of cwLINAC demonstrator.
- From 15h00: setting slow extraction to HADES: extraction time 1s, kinetic energy 300 MeV/u, Ar18+.
- problem with inversed default angle of GHADMU1 and GHADMU2, but finally beam on target at ~21:30.
- Final focusing with the last 2 quads not very successful, maybe need to use all 4.
A screenshot from HADES on-target detectors:
A screenshot from HADES BLM display:
Beam on GHADDF4:
(Almost) final paramodi setting for HADES beam line: 2018-11-21_21-26-39_SIS18_to_HADES_slow_focused_at_HADDF4.C1.txt
Fast beam quality on target analysis by J. Pietraszko: Beam_quality_hades22_11_2018.pdf