Beam paths to HTP



HTP experimental area is mainly used to test Beam Instrumentation equipment. It is in NE8 zone, right before Cryring. In fact is shares most of the beamline elements with Cryring injection line. Separation is only at GHTBMU1 switching magnet, towards the end of the beamline.


Uranium beam to HTP, Dec 7, 2019

Bismuth beam to HTP, May 10, 2020


Two main beam paths are used for HTP:


Layout of the beam line end, in preparation for the experiment in November 2019 (Courtesy Plamen Boutachkov). In from of the target there is a collimator with 5 mm diameter circular hole and length of 5 cm. The planned beams are Argon and Uranium 250-300 MeV/u.


2020-06-17 16:00