Extraction from ESR
There are two extraction points from ESR: towards HEST and to Hitrap. Here only extraction towards HEST is described. ESR can produce beams in fast extraction mode (eg. to inject into Cryring) and slow extraction (eg. Cave A). Slow extraction can be done using resonance crossing or via electron capture (the last used for instance by atomic physics experiments in Cave A).
Extraction from ESR is modelled in a similar way as extraction from SIS18. The theoretical point of intersection of extracted beam trajectory and circulating beam is called PEE. Twiss parameters at extraction:
parameter |
MIRKO->twiss |
betax |
50 m |
betay |
2.5 m |
Dx |
4.47 m |
Dy |
0.0 |
X,Y |
0 |
alfax |
-2.5 |
alfay |
0.75 |
gammax |
0.145 |
gammay |
0.625 |
-0.002295 |
0 |
alfax, alfay were corrected as twiss export in used version of MIRKO was not giving the correct values.