Commissioning of HEST beamlines
FAIR Commissioning page:
Dry runs
Up to now five so called dry runs ( have been performed in order to debug Control System and other services prior to 2018 run. HEST participated in all dry runs. Here only a short summary is presented:
- During the first Dry Run setting up and execution of SIS18_TH_HTP optics was tested.
- Second dry run two optics were tested...
- Third Dry Run: SIS18_TH_HTP and SIS18_TS_HTC were tested.
- Dry Runs 4-8: 12 optics settings were tested in total.
Commissioning without beam
Large part of commissioning without beam have been done in frame of Dry Runs. In principle the period June 4-10 additional commissioning steps can be performed. During this time MIRKO-WebDAV-trim and IBHS-WebDAV-trim should be tested. Basic tests of archiving system should be done as well (even if the system runs in test mode this year) Once there is a beam in SIS18, the HEST beam commissioning should start.
Commissioning with beam
Each optics for each of the beam lines shall be commissioned separately. So for instance two optics for the same beam line shall be commissioned independently. Typical commissioning with beam should use fast extraction and "pilot" beam.
The first beamlines to be commissioned are:
- SIS18_HHD - beam dump
- SIS18_TH_HTA - needed for experiment in August
- SIS18_FRS - needed for experiment in August
- SIS18_HADES - needed for spill structure tests (probably already in July)
- SIS18_TH_HTP and SIS18_TP_HTP - needed because HTP is downstream beam dump
Because the experimental caves need to be open for building experimental setups, therefore beams cannot always be send there (beam stoppers do not provide enough protection within current access and control systems). Two days at the end of June were designated for beam commissioning of the whole HADES beam and similar agreement must be reached with HTA experiments. Otherwise sending beams to HTP allow to commission relatively large parts of beam lines.
Table below summarizes beam commissioning status.
beam line |
extraction |
date |
comment |
slow |
June 28 |
signals seen in HADES diamond |
slow |
June 30 |