November 23rd
- Source: HLI, 40Ar9+, stripping to 40Ar18+ in TK.
- Setting up KO-extraction to HHD beam line, beam 300 MeV/u.
- Setting up KO-extraction to HADES, extraction time 3s, new optics, but unexpectedly the beam still moves during the spill. Why? Problem unsolved today.
Optics improved over yesterday: 2018-11-23_19-53-58_SIS18_KO_HADES_20181123_ENGRUN.C1.txt
- Photo of the beam spot on GHADDF4 (by M. Bai):
- transmission for K0-extraction (HADES optics) from SIS18 flat top to GTE1DL (ionization chamber): 2E8 to 1.6E8 particles ie. 80%.
- 21-22:30 measurements of HADES BLM response to localized beam losses (targets inside beam line vacuum chamber).
- example result: BLM pattern when the first single SEM is insterted (GTH2DI2S):