November 20
- First day, beam injected to SIS18 in the morning:
- HLI beam Ar9+, further stripped to Ar18+ in TK, injection with 8.53 MeV/u, fast extraction with 100 MeV/u
- injection over 3 turns
extraction of about 3-5*107 particles
- beam to HHD
- beam seen on GS06DF_V and GTE1DF2
- vertical profile on GS06DF_V:
- every second pixel is plotted (because of interlace jitter on the video signal), sigma=34.5*2 pixels, pixel calibration: 0.1235 mm/pixel, so sigma is 8.52 mm.
- typical intensity evolution in SIS18:
the fast extraction efficiency, defined as a ratio of beam current measured by resonant trafo GTE1DT and DC trafo in SIS18 at flat top is ~25% (1.3*10-10C in HEST divided by 5.2*10-10C in SIS18).